
Project Video: Flexible Robot Packaging Solution for Egg Tart Stacking

Flexible robot packaging solution for egg tart stacking, this solution uses 8 flexible robot intelligent manufacturing units and 2 standard flexible intelligent manufacturing units, saving 8 manual laborers per shift and 2 shifts per day. The hourly production capacity is 1200 packaged bags, suitable for the packaging of various tart shell specifications. This type of product is suitable for the stacking and packaging of various cold chain foods.

莆田市| 西城区| 聊城市| 内江市| 舞阳县| 万州区| 河南省| 福安市| 凌源市| 清水河县| 亚东县| 台南县| 东兴市| 东莞市| 宾阳县| 浦东新区| 青川县| 巫山县| 礼泉县| 哈巴河县| 德昌县| 阜新| 福海县| 宣武区| 武陟县| 合江县| 米易县| 绥宁县| 慈利县| 牡丹江市| 密山市| 镇巴县| 万载县| 长沙市| 平邑县| 望城县| 英吉沙县| 克山县| 鄯善县| 广丰县| 阿巴嘎旗|